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Historical Timeline

Date Event
1961 Sam Houston High School opened with an enrollment of 300 students in grades 7-12. The principal was Mr. Gabe Barkate.
1963 The gym and football stadium were built.
1964 The band room was built.
1969 Mr. Gabe Barkate continued as principal, and Mr. Leroy Crochette became assistant principal.
1975 Mr. Kerry L. Durr was announced as principal of SHHS.
1976 Sam Houston became for students in grades 9-12 because Moss Bluff Middle School opened.
January 11, 1982 The school burned down. Only the gym survived the fire.
1982-83 Sam Houston was rebuilt. School days were "shared" with Moss Bluff Middle School and Westlake High School during this time. School days for grades 7-12 were held at one school and grades 1-6 were held in the other.
February 1984 Students moved into the new school.
September 1989 The principal was Mr. Kerry L. Durr and assistant principals were Mr. Ronald Frusha and Mr. Frank Harrell.
1994-95 Girls' gym was built and stadium bleachers were added.
1995 Mr. Frank Harrell became principal, and assistant principals were Mr. Ronald Frusha and Ms. Peggy Beasley-Rogers.
1997 Mr. Patrick Deaville became assistant principal alongside Mr. Frusha. Mr. Harrell continued as principal.
1999 The new principal was Mr. Doug McCullor, and assistant principals were Mr. Patrick Deaville and Mr. Nolan Viator.
2000 Mrs. Anne Guildry became assistant principal alongside Mr. Patrick Deaville. Mr. McCullor continued as principal.
2001 Mr. Mike Reed became assistant principal alongside Mrs. Anne Guidry, and Mr. McCullor was principal.
2003-04 The new agriculture building was built.
2005-06 Buildings A-D were built.
2007 The main building was renovated, and the new addition to the main building was built.
2009 Sam Houston had three assistant principals for the first time - Mrs. Anne Guidry, Mr. Mike Reed, and Mrs. Shannon Foolkes. Mr. McCullor remained as principal.
2009-10 Building E was built and the hallways were constructed to connect buildings A-E to the main building.
2010 Mr. Mike Reed became principal. Serving as assistant principals were Mrs. Anne Guidry, Mrs. Shannon Foolkes, and Mrs. Christie Fontenot.
2010-11 The baseball and softball fields were built, and the track was renovated.
2010-12 The new library and classrooms were built, as well as the new courtyard.
2012 Mr. David Pool became assistant principal alongside Mrs. Anne Guidry and Mrs. Shannon Foolkes. Mr. Reed is the principal.
2013 Mrs. Shannon Foolkes became principal.